What Does 11th House Represent in Vedic Astrology


Eleventh House in Astrology is frequently known every bit the " House of Income and Gain" and "Kama Firm". Kama is not only nigh passion simply displays hopes, wishes and want of an private. Siddhi signifies the fulfilment. Information technology represents the gains from your hopes, wishes and desires. Eleventh Business firm shows the success in all undertakings. Eleventh Firm of Horoscope can exist described in various ways:-

Ekadasa; Labha (profit and proceeds); Aya (income or all kind of receipts); Agamana (acquisition); Apti (Gain); Prapti; Kama (Desire, passion); Siddhi (Fulfillment); Vibhava (wealth or riches); Slaghyata (commendation, veneration); Sarasa (anything juicy or delicious).

Eleventh House represents means of gains, accomplishment, friends, personality, ornaments, elder brother and freedom from misery and pain. It mainly concerns on i'south hopes, wishes, aspirations and their realization. It represents gain from profession or business organisation, college studies or foreign collaboration, election, litigation, speculation, writings, health etc.

Eleventh House is besides known every bit "Labha Sthana" representing profit or gain. Hence if we put houses from i to 10 together, we get the overall income from different sources. Let's suppose a specific corporeality is our gross income and when we deduct expenses caused by Twelfth House, we get net payment or net income. The sign which governs this house in Kaal Purush Kundali is "Aquarius" and the natural ruler is "Saturn".

The author of " Jataka Desh Marga " expresses his views on Eleventh House that attainment of efforts, desire and absenteeism of misery are to be predicted through the 11th firm.

Bhattotpala ascribes elephant riding, horse riding (elephants, horses and conveyances), wearable, crops, jewels, wisdom and wealth to 11th bhava and says that one should guess every information about these from information technology.


Kalidasa mentioned in Uttara Kalamritam that the following are concluded from the Eleventh House:

Realisation of one's wishes and desires, acquisition of wealth, profit in every undertaking, varieties of income, i's influence, dependency, eldest brother, paternal uncle, undesirable nature (if afflicted), worship of deities, virtuous devotion towards God, respect to elders, gain of knowledge, high level of intelligence, welfare of the employer, loss of interest on one's capital, possession of plush metals, ornaments, etc., advising others, luck, easy gains, blood brother-in-police, mother'south longevity, left ear, knee, attractive, painting and arts, sarasa, hearing some pleasing and delightful music or happy news, ministership, dawn of fortune and longevity.

It represents prosperity, profit, progress in attempts, peace after achievement of aspirations, partnership and permanent tie of friendship. If y'all lent money to others then principal amount and involvement are ruled by the 11th house. On the other side, if y'all borrow coin from others, and so 5th house rules over debt and too tells about the person from whom money has been borrowed.

The lover is judged past the Eleventh House more accurately as information technology tells about the emotional attachments ane will possess. This house represents how long the friendship and intimacy volition concluding and may stop up with marriage. As per things concerning marriage, ane must look for 2nd, seventh and 11th houses in order to become an thought about successful marriage. It represents success in social and financial related matters. Information technology also relates to the reformative and unconventional activities.

One of the influential star divination houses, Eleventh House indicates the "Trust". It also refers to fiscal matters or wealth of the employer or those who have the command over to the native. Physically, it represents the left ear, right foot, left hand and ii shanks.

Vaidyanatha Dikshitar suggests that one should look after the 11th bhava to discover out the accumulation of incoming wealth. Varahamihira refers to this house every bit "Aya" cogent one's income. He says that 11th house is one of the improving houses or upachaya sthanas .

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, if Eleventh House or lord of Eleventh House is in Shubh Kartari, then information technology volition provide enough wealth to the native.

Mantreshwar calls this firm as the House of Siddhi and Prapti.

In Mundane Star divination, Eleventh Firm represents parliament, legislation, state legislators, country, town, land, national treasuries, currency printing, department of govt. It rules the Lok Sabha, lower houses of state assemblies, Corporations, Municipal Bodies, District Boards, Panchayats and similar legislative bodies.

It represents ambassadors, Vice Presidents of the countries, Advisory groups, country-level governing bodies, national aims and goals, national plans, friends of nation, enterprises, clubs, gambling resorts, followers, fellowship, projects, cooperative societies, termination of legacies, public celebrations, supporters, friendly organizations, environmental control, alliances, will of people, gains from other nations.

In Horary Astrology, this house is connected with the hopes, desires, wishes and fulfilment of an individual. In market forecasting, this firm is considered for government loans electric companies, gas, museum etc. In equus caballus racing, it denotes the management of the committee under the command of the stewards. The number of winners is shown by this firm.

Inter-Connectivity of 11th House with Other Houses

Other significations of this business firm tin can be correlated with other houses of the horoscope. It is the business firm of gains and represents our children besides. Our children are also our future investment. We need someone to accept intendance of ourselves. We hope that our children will provide united states of america skillful gains. This firm represents the people who support you lot or your circle.

A bad person can also become the reward or prize, a reward is something which is given to the person for his deeds. Bad people tin can too get rewards as per their good deeds,  hence Eleventh House represents gains. It also represents gold, the fame of your karmas, a large organisation, house of committee etc.


It represents the income from 1'south own exertions, paternal aunts and uncle, brusque journeys and messages from begetter, loss of mental tranquillity, legal education, testators, hugger-mugger and occult knowledge, wife or husband's affairs and their business investment profits, enemies of enemies, sickness of servants, debt of tenants, spousal relationship or married spouse of son, legacies from female parent, strange journeys of brothers, family reputation and continuing, destruction of enemies, end of losses and regain of wellness.

It deals with the fame and reputation of your family lineage, religious and spiritual behavior of your neighbours; death, rebirth and transformation of your mother. It shows the occult and mystical beliefs of your mother. Spouse of your children, exotic animals, UN, NGOs, victory over enemies, children, goal, karmas of 8th house, karmic storage of eighth firm, ego and style of your father, professional person network circle etc.

Eleventh House every bit per Lal Kitab

As per Lal Kitab, Eleventh House in Astrology represents your earnings, neighbours or estimate, gains, court, a seat of justice.

The planets occupying third house activate the planets occupying this firm. The planets in the Eleventh House will affect the native positively or negatively during its period of time. As far every bit the Dasha will cease, these planets will have adverse effects on the native.

Hence the Eleventh Business firm of the horoscope becomes very important as it determines the gains from your karma or activity. The kind of response you're getting from others based on your karma evaluates your successful reputation in the society as per the Eleventh House of the horoscope.


Source: https://horoscope.astrosage.com/eleventh-house-astrology/

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