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Every bit a kid of the 90's I grew upward watching the best cartoons available and playing some of the all-time video games produced. #Nostalgia
June 26 2017 may seem like some other ordinary day to you (unless that happens to exist your birthday) simply on this day a childhood Icon of mine was digitally remastered and brought back to life.

"Crash Bandicoot Northward'Sane Trilogy" is a digitally remastered version of all three original games for Sony's Playstation 4. Since the games release it has been a phenomena across Australia and other parts of the world.
So how did a simple video game take the globe past storm? This tin be analysed through Jonah Bergers 6 STEPPS for Success
- Social Currency
Prior to the release of the game, Crash Bandicoot was every where on Facebook. Pages such as "Crash Bandicoot" (Verified Facebook Page) and "Crash Bandicoot World" have a combined following of 1,085,384 followers and counting. Not bad for a fictional marsupial. Past simply uploading daily posts that included photos, videos, polls, memes and other crash related content, 'word of mouth' spread rapidly and users were well aware that Crash Bandicoot was making his render. - Triggers
Speculation of Crash coming back to our consoles started as early on as 2011. Information technology wasn't until 2016 "That the start iii titles would be remastered for the PlayStation 4 for the 20th ceremony of Crash Bandicoot in a partnership between Sony and Activision."Crash Bandicoot is symbolic for those who grew up playing the games in which he featured. Information technology's a real throwback to our past and not many people would have been thinking near him until the news broke out. - Emotion
And then how did the news of a remastered version of the game make me feel? It didn't make me extremely emotional or make me cry with joy, but it did bring back some fond memories of my sis and I and struggling to beat the Ripper Roo dominate level.(Image Sourced from Tumblr) - Public
Entertainment retailer "JB Hi FI" offered customers a 'one day deal' just when they purchased the "Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy" on the 24-hour interval of its release. If you lot were lucky enough to catch a re-create of the game on the Thursday it came out you would only pay $49.99 instead of the RRP of $59.99.Now this $ten saving might not seem like much, merely my local JB HI FI had already sold 180 copies of the game prior to me purchasing my copy. Did that one time offer aid increase the sales? Most likely yes. Was Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy Sold out by the next Monday morning? You bet information technology was. - Practical Value
What fabricated Crash Bandicoot such a success was it's practicality. This simply is a remastered copy of the original three games on i single disc. With cute new graphics and the same frustrating levels such equally "Squealer wild and "Road to Nowhere" users were sent back in time.Some may see information technology as a novelty game and an "easy" fashion to make sales since it isn't a brand new original game, but with the Success of "Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy" the door is now open for Sony and their partners to remaster other original playstation games such as "Crash Team Racing" and "Spyro". - Stories
The question on my listen is 'What is Crash Bandicoots' Story to it's consumers?'
Each individual user has different stories to which they can chronicle. For some, it may be the beginning video game they ever played, for others it may be a game they never played and may never programme on playing. As for me, I tin relate to Crash Bandicoot on many levels but that'southward a story for another time.
So has anyone else embraced the Crash Bandicoot craze? If so, what are your thoughts? How far in the game are you? What other retro games would you lot similar to see brand a come dorsum? Go out your comments below.
Thanks for reading!
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